Cybercrimes are regulated in Turkish Criminal Code Law Nr. 5237 at Tenth Section between the articles no.243 and 246.  
The headline of the art. No. 243 is “ Access to data processing system “. According to this article : “ (1)Any person who unlawfully enters a part or whole of data processing system or remains there is punished with imprisonment up to one year, or imposed punitive fine. (2) In case the offenses defined in above subsection involve systems which are benefited against charge, the punishment to be imposed is increased up to one half. (3) If such act results with deletion or alteration of data within the content of the system, the person responsible from such failure is sentenced to imprisonment from six months up to two years.

The headline of the art. No. 244 is “Hindrance or destruction of the system, deletion or alteration of data”. According to this article :-(1) Any person who hinders or destroys operation of a data processing system is punished with imprisonment from one year to five years. (2) Any person who garbles, deletes, changes or prevents access to data, or installs data in the system or sends the available data to other places is punished with imprisonment from six months to three years. (3) The punishment to be imposed is increased by one half in case of commission of these offenses on the data processing systems belonging to a bank or credit institution, or public institutions or corporations. (4) Where the execution of above mentioned acts does not constitute any other offense apart from unjust benefit secured by a person for himself or in favor of third parties, the offender is sentenced to imprisonment from two years to six years, and also imposed punitive fine up to five thousand days.
The headline of the art. No. 245 is “Improper use of bank or credit cards”. According to art. 245 : (1) Any person who acquires or holds bank or credit cards of another person(s) whatever the reason is, or uses these cards without consent of the card holder or the receiver of the card, or secures benefit for himself or third parties by allowing use of the same by others, is punished with imprisonment from three years to six years, and also imposed punitive fine. (2) Any person who secures benefit for himself or third parties by using a counterfeit bank or credit card is punished with imprisonment from four years to seven years if the act executed does not constitute any offense other than forgery.
The headline of the art. No. 246 is “Imposition of Security Precautions on Legal Entities”.  According to art. 246 :(1) Security precautions specific to legal entities are imposed in case of commission of the offenses listed in this section within the frame of activities of legal entities.
The disputes of cybercrimes in Turkey increased in recent decades and the lawmaker has made necessary amendments in Turkish Criminal Code and in any other codes related to the cyber law.